There are many couples who want nothing more than to become parents, but who, for some physiological reason, cannot conceive naturally. There are many alternative routes to follow if you are willing to go to great lengths to have a baby, but there are also rare cases where, unfortunately, nothing seems to work. Sadie and Jarvis Sampson, for example, tried to have a baby as soon as they got married in 2018. Unfortunately, the couple had no luck, despite their commitment and total dedication to the cause. Sadie also underwent surgery to lose weight and increase her chances of getting pregnant. Eventually, however, fate found another solution for them, turning them into the parents of a beautiful child anyway. And that's not all...
Sadie remembers the grueling journey she took to try to get pregnant after her wedding. She recounts her story with these words: "We also tried unsolicited advice from friends, family and strangers. For 14 months we tried, prayed and waited. Month after month, it was just one negative pregnancy test after another. It seemed that we needed assistance to conceive and we even went so far as to talk to the doctors about it." But even the doctors didn't seem to have the solution for the couple and the only concrete advice they gave was to suggest that Sadie lose some weight in order to improve her fertility. After undergoing surgery that helped her to lose about 13 kg (29 lbs), Sadie and her husband Jarvis hoped that this would finally work. However, things did not go as expected and failed attempts continued to follow for a few months.
"My surgeon had spent a lot of time describing how fertile I would be after the surgery, but I still didn't get pregnant. So, at some point, we just gave up. We realized we were only meant to be an aunt and an uncle for our nieces and godparents for our godchildren," Sadie said.
Then came the call that changed their lives. A friend of Sadie's asked her to consider adopting a child that temporarily needed a foster family because her mother was not able to care for him. Sadie and Jarvis were initially hesitant because they feared that once they became attached to the baby, they would not be able to let him go without being left with a void in their hearts. The surprise, however, came shortly after: the social worker reassured the couple, saying that the biological mother of the child would prefer that the child be given to them for a permanent adoption.
Now the two are in seventh heaven!

And that's not all: in 2021, Sadie and Jarvis also became parents to twin girls, Journee and Destinee, thanks to the donation of viable embryos. And in this case, it does not matter that the children and parents have a different skin colors. What is important is that the family is built on very solid foundations, made from love. No wonder their wonderful, amazing family photos have gone viral all over the world!