Video Shows Young Man Paying Luggage Fee For Mother Travelling Alone With 3 Children During Pandemic


A video showing a young man paying a luggage fee for a woman at an airport with her 3 children has gone viral online.

A woman, known as Stephanie, was at Ibiza airport trying to board a flight back home to the UK at the height of the pandemic when she was asked to pay a £65 fee to place her bag in the hold. Unfortunately, Stephanie only had cash with her, something the airline would not accept. Stephanie was already extremely stressed while travelling with her three children alone during a time of great uncertainty.

Seeing the woman upset it was at that point a young man stepped forward and paid the fee with his card, a moment that was captured by a fellow passenger who shared it online.

The young man can be heard saying:

“It’s alright, it’s alright. Don’t worry, I’ll pay for you.”

In an interview with UK newspaper The Daily Mail, Stephanie said:

“The plane was half-full so I couldn’t understand why they couldn’t take my bag or put it in the hold. Plus with everything that’s going on, you can see on the video that I’m quite anxious. This kind man turned around and said he would pay for me – it was an amazing act of kindness that he really didn’t need to do. He literally came out of nowhere, it was a crazy experience.”

Stephanie said that the airline had already told her she did not have to check in her bag, and that she had not been on an airplane for a number of years.

The individual who shared the video online said:

“Well done to this young hero for paying the ridiculous Ryanair luggage charges for a distressed mother traveling with 3 kids (who wasn’t getting any leniency from ground staff). The flight from Ibiza to Stansted was half empty, not sure what difference a few cms would make.”

While Stephanie had hoped the man would come forward, he has stated that he wishes to remain anonymous, she said:

“Apparently, he wants to remain anonymous. I just want to have a chat with him because I don’t think he realizes how nice a gesture it was and how much it meant to me.”


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