Cop Helps A Struggling Family Caught Sleeping In Their Car
Many recent headlines have shed negative light on the police force, but this is a story all aboutkindness and appreciation.
Robert Wood returned from Alaska with his two young sons, his wife, and their baby-to-be. They hadn’t found housing yet, so they planned on sleeping in their car at a nearby park to save money. It was a particularly bitter cold night.
After the park closed for the night, an officer came knocking on the car window. Peering through the glass, Eugene Police Lt. David Natt saw Robert’s four-year-old son sleeping on his chest. His wife Heather, pregnant with their third child, had their two-year-old son Logan nuzzled against her. Imagine how heartbreaking this image must have been.
But instead of reprimanding the family, that’s when Lt. Natt did something that changed the Wood family’s lives in the most incredible way…
Watch the video below to find out what happened next, and please SHARE this touching story with your friends on Facebook!