Everyone has them, but no one knows how to get rid of them easily! This trick against fibromas works wonders.
Almost everyone has them, but hardly anyone talks about it - fibromas. Fibromas - also known as pedunculated warts - are benign, little tumors on your skin and occur with both men and women. They are mostly little tiny skin changes, that build little sacks that hang from your skin.
You mostly find fibromas under your arms, in your knee pits, on your throat, your groin area or on your eyelids. They mostly develop where skin rubs against itself.
Fibromas often begin to grow already during puberty. The cause of their development is not yet known. However, scientists suspect that a weakened immune system is to blame. Medical proof is, however, still nonexistent.
Many go to the doctor to have them removed sergically, while others give expensive lotions or oinments a try (specially designed to be effective against the little buggers). But the solution is much simpler and it is something that almost everyone has at home. Apple cider vinegar! The vinegar dries out the fibromas, causing them to fall off.
Here is how you can apply the vinegar:
Pour some apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball and rub it into the fibroma plaguing you. Do this 2 to 3 times a day. After daily application, the fibroma's color will start to change. It will become darker and almost black since its drying out. Eventually, it will fall off your body. But careful! This method can only be used on fibromas located on your skin. Fibromas in your mouth or eye require a visit to the doctor: as quickly as possible.
This video explains it all:
If you were just as surprised by this super-simple methad to get rid of these bothersome little sacks of skin, then SHARE this article with your friends and show them that it is actually pretty easy to get rid of these pesks!