On March 20th at 5:36am (ET) we will be
having a total Solar Eclipse in Pisces on the same day as the Equinox.
It will be visible from Greenland, Iceland, most of Europe, and parts of
Asia and Northern Africa. In astrology, solar eclipses
create changes and new beginnings in our lives. It is a super-charged
New Moon whose effects are more impactful and last beyond the month of
its moon cycle. The effects are usually noticed or felt more in the
weeks leading up to it, on the day of, and in the weeks following.
However, the themes of the eclipse are still very much prevalent for
the following 6 (or more) months.
We usually have 2 of them per year but
can have up to 3 in some years. Depending on your specific day and time
of birth, the eclipses influence different areas of your life unique to
you. They also affect us as a collective and sometimes correlate with
major global events. For example, around the time of our last Solar
Eclipse in late October, there were terrorist attacks (potentially false
flag) in Ottawa, Canada. The astrological position of that eclipse
shows that it had an effect on Canada’s Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
So now in the months following, the Canadian government has introduced a
new anti-terror bill (Bill C-51), which is seen as an abolishment of
the Charter, as it violates many of the rights and freedoms listed
This Solar Eclipse is 13 Hours Before the Spring Equinox!
The spring Equinox is not only the
beginning of spring, but also where the astrological tropical zodiac
ends and begins, transitioning from Pisces to Aries. The exact time of
the Equinox is at 6:45pm (ET), which is roughly 13 hours after the Solar
Eclipse. This is very interesting because Solar Eclipses and Equinoxes
are associated with ‘new beginnings,’ yet the actual moment of the
Eclipse happens at the tail end of the entire Zodiac in late Pisces.
This is associated with ‘permanent endings’ and ‘crisis.’ So we can
expect these themes to affect us in a powerful way not only in this
upcoming month, but throughout much of 2015 as well. For some people it
can also be viewed as a new beginning for certain things they have been
trying to end, or just simply need to end, resulting in a permanent
Metaphorically, this eclipse is
like turning the water valve on a pressure washer… which will wash away
whatever it needs to… over the next 6 months!
This Eclipse and The Collective
On March 11th, 2011, Uranus (the planet
of surprises and sudden disasters) was in its last hours in Pisces when
the Earthquake-Tsunami happened in the Pacific Ocean which hit
Fukushima. In Astrology the oceans are associated with Pisces. The
unfortunate aftermath of Fukushima has led to global outrage and has
inspired some of humanity to push towards seeking more sustainable and
clean energy practices. This Solar Eclipse is near the same position
where Uranus was at that time, and it is possible that we could again
see the occurrence of critical events or circumstances related to the
oceans, or perhaps even related to Fukushima. Whether or not it does
manifest in that way, ultimately the theme here is about circumstances
that help to push us towards a new reality. In my last Full Moon article,
I mentioned that the last 2.5 years have been a time of ‘pressure for
change.’ Global protests, uprisings, increased activism, political
reforms, countries going bankrupt, and the growth of new currencies are
some of the themes reflecting this time of upheaval, and we can
attribute this trend to the tension between Uranus and Pluto right now,
due to their astrological positions. Earlier in the same week as this
eclipse, these two planets made their final ‘square off’ which will
carry their themes into this upcoming 6 month period. The difference
between now and the last 2.5 years is that there is greater potential
for significant changes.
This Eclipse and The Individual
As mentioned above, this is a time for
great change, but ultimately this is an opportunity to wash away
negative aspects of yourself which do not reflect who you truly are. It
can be a time to escape from a self-imposed prison, which could consist
of negative patterns, habits, addictions, lifestyle, etc. Saturn and
Jupiter in relation to this eclipse suggest finding and connecting with
your inner truth and eventually unleashing it. This theme can apply to
different areas of everyone’s lives. This eclipse will affect some
people more strongly than others and it can apply to different areas of
everyone’s lives depending on how it influences one’s natal chart.
To get a complete personalized reading with astrologer Carmen Di Luccio, visit his website here.
Image Credit:
Ryan Bliss www.digitalblasphemy.com