Why we go to facial, to get instant glow on our face and good amount of massage prevent saggy skin on our face. Generally for this 60 minute session we spend Rs. 1500 salon and in return they put lot of chemicals on our skin
Today I will tell you one remedy that will solve all of your problem in comfort of your home
This is 4 step process, details are given below
Step 1 – Cleaning
For Cleaning Dabur Gulabari or any other gulab jal. 2 tablespoon of milk (raw milk) Cold water
Take some rose water in cotton ball and with help of this clean your face
Step 2 – Scrubbing
For scrubbing take 2 tablespoon of sugar + 1 tablespoon of olive oil or coconut oil + 1 large lemon juice
Mix them, apply this paste all over your face and massage gently in circular motion
Step 3 – Steaming
Soak towel in hot water, remove excess water and apply it all over your face for 4-5 minutes
Step 4 – Face massage and mask
For this I simply add honey and lemon juice in equal amount and apply it all over your face
Leave for 20 minutes and then wash