Roger Reissig from Montgomery, Texas shared a story on social media. A very special story. While intended to be heard just by his circle of friends on Facebook, the story was so strong it ended up going viral.
The story starts by Roger explaining his father’s daily routine. Not your usual formula for a story-gone-viral, but once you hear what his Dad does every day, you’ll probably shed a tear and will definitely understand how this beautiful gesture gained traction so quickly.
Here’s Roger’s story:
“It’s been over a year now since Mom left us to go to her Heavenly home. Dad goes out to the grave to visit her twice a day. He has a routine where he clips some roses from his rose garden at home and delivers them to Mom. Then he hooks up a hose and waters her grass twice daily. With the recent drought, and hers being one of only graves getting watered, you can see that Moms stands out from the rest and is very beautiful.”

Roger continues: “One day while watering he saw a young lady down from him kneeling at a grave and crying uncontrollably. Dad went down and talked with her and found that her husband had been an SSGT in the US Air Force and lost him in 2010. After they talked and shared stories, she thanked him and left. Dad decided to Honor this soldier and start watering his grass along with Moms daily.
He does it every day.”

“He said it is the least he can do for him after all that he sacrificed for us. You can see his green grass in the pictures down from Moms. Very thankful for this young Man’s service and very proud of my Dad and what he does to Honor him. Love you Dad!”

Wow! What a great guy. Total respect and a very beautiful gesture, one that we don’t hear enough about nowadays. It’s great his son recognizes, appreciates and is willing to share how amazing his dad is. We can all learn a lot about how positive gestures big or small can really make a difference.
Share this wonderful story with all your friends and family!