Are you one of those people who get totally annoyed by any one of the following: Drinking, chewing, crunching, gulping, nail biting, slurping, swallowing, clicking, breathing, sniffling, wheezing, whistling, finger tapping, gum popping and really any other similar bodily action sound that is subtle yet persistent?
Most of us have at least one or two of those things that we in fact find annoying. Well, it turns out, apparently we all have some sort of “condition” and it’s called Misophonia.
The hatred of sound. That’s the definition of misophonia. It’s not sound in general that we can’t stand, it’s the sounds that have triggers which drive us mad! Just the slight sound of such a trigger can overwhelm you. Construction can be going on across the street, yet if there is a guy chewing loudly several feet away you will zone in on that trigger sound and it will appear as if it’s the central sound all around!
This causes very serious reactions in people and naturally has implications with relationships, friends and family gatherings, not to mention a variety of public situations. Your energy can be totally drained from the sound of some guy popping his gum on the bus for the whole trip. By the time you exit who are anxious, irate, and in a foul mood which could continue on for the next several hours! We especially zero in on this behavior when it comes from loved ones. Having your parent or your partner slurp their drink can really drive you up a wall!
Obviously there are challenges at work as well, having to deal with a variety of different people with potentially annoying sounding quirks that they do. For some, it becomes akin to torture.
Most people won’t bring attention to the fact that they are annoyed in fear of making a huge issue out of something that seems small. Rather they will bite their lip, roll their eyes, curse under their breath and privately become infuriated. Not an easy situation as you don’t want to be seen as a lightweight who can’t handle sounds, yet clearly they are annoying for you to listen to.
So is there a cure for misophonia? There’s not a pill you can pop, but you can lessen the effects it has by doing some simple things. Talk to your loved ones and let them know what’s going on, as well as co-workers at your job. Tell them about this condition to validify that it is a real thing.
Hypnotherapy can help as well, and may be something to definitely consider. Sending triggers to your mind to basically counteract the triggers that annoy you.
Here’s a video that will help see whether or not you suffer from this condition: