Guy Climbs Electric Pole After A Heated Argument With Girlfriend, The End Is Heart-Breaking

For sure all relationships face tough times; however madly the couple be in love, they too have differences in opinions and thus argument. But what makes a relationship stable is a habit of sitting down and having a calm and sensible talk instead of throwing tantrums like a 5-year-old.
A Chinese guy had a heated fight with his girlfriend, and instead of sorting it out, he climbed an electric pole to show his anger. Then something horrible happened.
Images via NetEase

A 30-year-old Chinese guy with the surname Lou climbed an electric pole after a fight with his girlfriend.

A 30-year-old Chinese guy with the surname Lou climbed an electric pole after a fight with his girlfriend.
This incident took place in Jinhua City, Zhejiang province of China.

Bad luck, he came in contact with live wires and got electrocuted.

Bad luck, he came in contact with live wires and got electrocuted.

According to a witness, he heard 'the sound of an explosion as the wires sparked.'

According to a witness, he heard 'the sound of an explosion as the wires sparked.'
Lou was instantaneously engulfed into a fire ball and was rushed to a nearby hospital.

Fortunately the doctors were successful in saving him from death but he still has several severe burns in his body.

Fortunately the doctors were successful in saving him from death but he still has several severe burns in his body.
Pretty sure he's regretting his childish decision!

*relationships these days*

*relationships these days*
Please share this article with people around you to warn others not to even think of trying this stunt.
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