You must have seen a lot of ladies talking about the benefits and the useful properties of baking soda. Baking soda is not only used in baking yummy pastries, pies, cakes, biscuits and in cleaning your cabinets but it is can also be brought in use by the ladies for beautifying their skin every day.
If we have a closer look at most beauty products, the best beauty masks will contain baking soda. The following is a magnificent recipe for all those ladies out there who face problems regarding eye bags under the eyes which are a nuisance for them.
Formulate a solution in a glass and add some warm water or some chamomile tea. Along with that add one teaspoon of baking soda and mix it firmly. After the baking soda has been mixed with warm water take some cotton swab and dip it in the solution and place it beneath the eyes right on the eye bags. Leave the cotton swab below the eyes and let it do its job for about 10-15 minutes. After this wash your face with Luke warm water, apply some moisturizing cream and there you go! You have come up with some amazing results.
Source: healthyandnaturallife Via: