Chinese Girl Got Stuck in a Storm Drain While Texting And Walking

Authorities have warned the public to refrain from texting while driving. It may seem like a harmless practice at first but it may result in fatal accidents and deaths. Now, people should also be warned against texting while WALKING, as it may also cause accidents and for the case of the Chinese girl we are about to feature, severe embarrassment. 

In Mianyang City located at the southwest China’s Sichuan Province, a girl admitted to texting a friend while walking. As she was engrossed with her mobile phone, she did not notice a storm drain along her way. Her entire leg fell to the very narrow drain rails.
People came to help but no one could successfully pull the girl out of the metal rails.
The fire department came to the rescue and the girl was finally freed after 45 minutes!
“We managed to remove the bars and quickly freed her once we arrived at the scene,” says Ming Lai, fire brigade spokesperson. “Her leg was a bit scratched and bruised and numb from being squeezed through the bars, but she quickly recovered and not need hospital treatment.”
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