When she posted this picture she never expected the uproar it would cause. But it is important to see.

Pictured is a 3-day-old baby sleeping in her mother’s lap. The exceptional detail about this photo: just inches above his head, you can see the still fresh scar that was the result of an emergency Cesarean section. The mother had a specific reason in mind when she had this photo done: “She wanted a picture of “[She] wanted something to show that her biggest fear was what in the end saved both of them. I think she will see that scar and appreciate the life they were given.”
The photographer Helen Carmina from the British Canary Islands specializes in photos of pregnant or newly-made mothers and their babies. 
Normally she gets about 100 likes on her pictures that she posts on Facebook. But what this photo triggered, she never expected. So far it’s collected more than 200,000 likes!
Opinions on the photo are split. Many people reject the picture and have reported it to Facebook, wanting the picture removed. But why? The woman is anonymous. One only sees a moment of pure life and vitality and the marks it leaves behind. Maybe this photo will help other women to overcome their fear of such a lifesaving procedure.
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