This Creepy Monster Was Found in the Woods! Does Anyone Know What Is It?

Chasity Neal had gone for a walk in the woods near to her home with her children when she found this creepy monster. She captured three photos of this dead monster leaving her friends asking about its kind.
She captioned the post saying: “Does anyone know what this thing is? It only has hair on its back (thick course hair like fishing line), no front arms.. and in one of these pics you can see how big it is with my foot beside it. All I no is I’m glad it was dead when we found it, And this thing is CREEPY!!!!”

She explained that she found it “not far from her house”.
Her post has now been shared more than 45,000 times after being posted earlier this month.
People were all shocked!
One person wrote: “I’m dying to find out what this is lol its so creepy looking I would be screaming if I walked upon this creature”
And another said: “At first I thought it was a river otter cause it’s size and the shape of its head but idk. Its got me stumped.”
In some other posts, some suggested it being an alien life form and others called it a serpent from the sea.
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