The kidneys are tasked with arguably the most important role in your body; they are responsible for filtering out deadly toxins that would otherwise cause the body to shut down. So, it only makes sense to keep the organ keeping you healthy, well… healthy, right? This article will be focusing on the top foods and herbs to keep your kidneys functioning and strong.
While exercise is always an important factor in health, a proper diet Is the key to keeping your kidneys and other internal organs functioning in the best way possible. Avoiding things like processed foods, additives and foods high in sugar are important. However, some “healthy” foods could also lead to a decline in the health of your kidneys. Red meats, while packed with protein, are one of the food choices that if not properly moderated could lead to declining health in your kidneys.
Aside from avoiding these foods that could translate to bad kidney health eating the foods on this list could help double your kidneys’ detoxifying powers.
- Olive Oil
One of the most delicious and versatile foods on this list is olive oil. This slick substance is perfect for those looking to clean their kidneys. Filled with antioxidants and minerals, this basic ingredient can be integrated into almost every meal you eat with little effort.
- Water
Water is probably one of the top foods for kidney health. By keeping yourself properly hydrated you will be able to dilute your urine and help your kidneys get rid of toxins that would otherwise have lingered in your body. If you’re looking for good kidney health no other liquid is as amazing as water.
- Watermelon
Watermelon is awesome for kidneys because of its high water content along with vitamins and minerals. Not to mention it’s one of the most delicious fruits ever.
- Lemon juice
If you are someone looking to bounce back from minor kidney problems, like stones, lemon juice is a great food for you. Lemon juice has a high amount of acidity to it that allows it to break down kidney stones. Lemon juice can be added to water and drank through the day or added to a salad for a zesty kick.
- Berries
Berries in general are full of antioxidants. These antioxidants are almost as important as water as they help your kidneys eliminate toxins at a much more rapid pace. The best of the best berries to aim to consume are berries with darker pigments such as blueberries, blackberries and cranberries.
- Apples
Well you probably saw this coming from a mile away but the old saying is true “ an apple a day will keep the doctor away.” Apples also contain very high amounts of soluble fiber that helps remove waste and toxins from the body.
- Pumpkin seeds:
Another big hitter in the antioxidant department are pumpkin seeds. Packed with almost as many antioxidants as berries, pumpkin seeds should be a top choice for anyone looking to increase their kidney health. In addition to being great for your kidneys, pumpkin seeds are perfect for the rest of your body, as they are densely nutrient packed and full of protein.
By adding these simple foods to your diet you can insure your kidneys will be working at optimum levels for a very long time.