The beauty that unravels when you take a look at VinaLustado’s tiny house will make it hard for you to guess its correct size. In fact, it’s only 140 square feet! This innovative designer and homemaker was brought up in the Philippines and finally decided to settle in Ojai California. She is not ready to say bye to the simplistic lifestyle she grew up used to and as a result spends most of her time dealing with meaningful things like relationships and family as opposed to the worries of maintaining a large home.
So as to ensure efficient cooling and heating takes place, her tiny home faces southwards. It’s made of cedar which is rot-resistant and light in weight for easy movement. She also has a water recycling system in which the recycled water is used for nurturing the gorgeous vegetation that surrounds her property. Her home also has most of the things you could wish any modest home to have.
We loved Vina’s tiny home. It truly proves that you it’s not necessary to have a huge space to find true happiness. What do you think of her little home? Do you feel like joining the tiny home community any time soon?
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