This 3 Ingredient Recipe Will Make Your Bones 20 Years Younger


This is a recipe which has been used for many decades and is proven to be very effective at improving the condition of your legs. You will need only 3 ingredients in order to treat them, especially if you have issues like ankles pain, back pain, feet pain, and injuries.

– 100 ml of iodine;
– 10 aspirin pills of 300 mg;
– 300 ml of alcohol (70%).

All the ingredients can be found in the nearest pharmacy. Iodine is very effective in fungus, bacteria, spores, or protozoan.
take the iodine and alcohol and mix them together. Then crush the aspirin pills and add them into the mixture, letting the solution stay for 21 days in a dark and cold place.
Massage the affected area with the solution, or apply it as a thin layer.
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